The Steam Powered Radio Hour

Live from South Royalton Vermont Every Monday 9–11p EST at 96.5 FM WFVR or Online

About the Show

The Steam Powered Radio Hour was a once weekly radio show Monday nights from 9–11p EST on Royalton Community Radio 96.5 FM WFVR. The show was hosted by Cody Williams. Generally, I played acoustic and Americana music but most shows were a broad mix of musical styles. In addition to this website, you can look up playlists and show information on Spinitron. The show's last air date was August 29,2016 and it may return again, if time permits. I'll also likely continue guest hoting for other shows on Royalton Community Radio and be at various radio events. If you have any feedback, get in touch on Twitter.

You are wonderful and thanks for listening.